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Keynote 9 - Kickstart your evolution

Friday, October 18, 2024
1:45 PM - 2:30 PM
Grand Ballroom


Our wellbeing partner Jo Marshall is back for one more keynote. Just when you think you’re done, tired, ready to drag your conferenced-out self to the airport, or home, you will be re-energised by our closing address. What does our future hold? What are we really taking away from this conference? And how can we harness and hold the inspiration we have felt over these days? Taking from her deep experience in nationwide mental health programs, her research on future trends and behaviour change Jo will engage and compel you to gather and play forward your conference experience moving you beyond inspiration to action and entrenching your decisions and idea bubbles from the AICM conference as it comes to a close. You’ll be dancing on evolutionary air towards your next amazing professional adventures.


Agenda Item Image
Jo Marshall
Chief Culturiser

Kickstart your evolution

