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Split Session 3.1 - BNPL and Beyond: Understanding developments and shifts in credit and finance

Track 1
Friday, October 18, 2024
9:00 AM - 9:45 AM
Ballroom 1


This session will equip attendees with a comprehensive understanding of how recent and upcoming developments in BNPL regulations impact the broader credit and finance industry, providing practical guidance on navigating these changes and preparing for future trends.


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- Roza Lozusic
Executive Director Policy and Public Affairs

BPNL and Beyond


Executive Director, Policy and Public Affairs, AFIA. A respected public and regulatory affairs leader with 15 years of experience in the financial services sector. Roza leads with integrity, care and compassion. A lawyer by training, Roza has provided advice and counsel on a range of issues relating to financial services policy and regulation. Prior to joining Westpac in 2018, she has held a range of senior roles including as a senior adviser to a federal cabinet minister within the Treasury portfolio as well as in peak industry bodies in banking and insurance. Her broad experience - which includes working for government, parliament, private sector and peak industry bodies - gives her the unique ability to understand the perspectives of all stakeholders. It also enables her to anticipate and provide considered strategies in relation to regulatory change.