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Frequently asked questions

Who attends?

The National Conference forms a core part of how the AICM achieves our goals of representing, developing and recognising the experience of over 2,800 individual members working in over 1,300 companies including 34 of the ASX 100 and global organisations in all industries and sectors.

AICM members hold positions in all sectors of the finance industry including credit control and policy, business information, reports and research, mercantile services, insurance and risk management, recruitment and human resources, business technology, insolvency and turnaround management.

The conference is Australia's leading event for credit & finance professionals to up-skill at specialised learning sessions. Delegates note they attend to stay up to date with the latest products, industry trends and issues and connect with their peers.


CPD points

Attendance at the individual conference sessions will accrue CPD Accreditation points.

You are eligible for 1 CPD point per hour of conference content. The conference will deliver an opportunity to accrue at least 14 CPD points.


Conference sponsorship & exhibition

If you are interested in sponsoring the AICM Conference or being part of the exhibition, please contact aicm@aicm.com.au.

Registration cancellation policy

If you need to cancel your conference registration you may do so with written notice.

The following restrictions apply to cancellations:

30 days prior to the event, a full refund/credit will be provided

Less 30 days but more than 14 days prior to the event, you may incur a fee of $200.00.

Within 14 days, are not eligible for a credit or refund as the AICM has incurred non-refundable costs for your attendance.

Substitutions will be accepted but must be made in writing to the conference organiser via aicm@aicm.com.au.

If government restrictions prevent the event from taking place, a full refund will be provided.



The views expressed in presentations at the AICM national conference 2024 are not necessarily those of the Australian Institute of Credit Management (AICM) which does not expect or invite any person to act or rely on any statement, opinion or advice provided in presentations delivered at the Conference and neither the AICM nor any of its employees, agents or presenters shall be held liable for any opinion expressed by a presenter at the National Conference.

By registering for the AICM 2024 national conference, delegates grant permission to the Australian Institute of Credit Management, its agents and others working under its authority to take and to have full and free use of video/photographs containing their image/likeness. It is understood that the Australian Institute of Credit Management may use these images for promotion, news, research, online, multimedia and/or educational purposes. Delegates agree that they are not entitled to remuneration, residuals, royalties or any other payment from the Australian Institute of Credit Management in respect of their image/likeness or its use.


Privacy notice

In registering for this conference, relevant details will be incorporated into a delegate list for the benefit of all delegates (name and organisation only) and may be made available to parties directly related to the Conference including AICM, sponsors and exhibitors. Should you not wish for your details to be passed on for the above purposes, please contact the AICM National Office.

